Timber: A Villanelle
My home is in the pines.
Peaceful place, peaceful place.
Molded out of human clay
Cut from umbilical vine,
Timbers sway, timbers sway.
Rock to sleep growing babe,
the breeze whispers lullabies
of a peaceful place, peaceful place.
Branch and bloom, sprout and break
eager seedlings rise
in a peaceful place, peaceful place.
Feet scamper, imaginations play,
roots sink in, limbs climb
under the timbers' sway, timbers' sway.
Lovers sit in dappled shade
and whisper sweetly of the time
they'll spend in this peaceful place, peaceful place.
With sapling spread and detritus laid,
looking affectionately down from the sky,
the timbers sway, timbers sway.
Soul meets felicity, body meets grave;
rest enclosed in a fallen pine.
Timbers sway, timbers sway,
my peaceful place, peaceful place.
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